How to help a family member with addiction?

How to help a family member with addiction?

By: Hermita
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How to help a family member with addiction?

On this website made for grieving parents, I have a lot of times mentioned that addiction may become a part of someone's grieving journey. And while this is a delicate topic, I still want to share some valuable and essential tips and advice that can help you to save your family member from addiction and everything it brings.


1.    The most common mistake – enabling bad behavior. Experts claim that family members usually make this common mistake, which is to support their addiction without even being aware of it. How do you do it? You'll find out more about the upcoming facts I'll list.
2.    Cleaning up after them. An addict will usually create a lot of interpersonal problems, and financial issues, and most of the time suffer from various health and mental problems coming from the addiction. What family members usually do is that they try to „clean up“ after the addict's mistake. It's not good to do that because you're allowing them to continue without facing consequences. Therefore, the best would be to let them face all the consequences. If they don't do that, they won't be able to realize how serious their addiction is and how many problems it causes. Stop covering them up. 
3.    You're supporting them financially. You'll want to take care of the house and buy the needed groceries, but that will help the addict have enough money for their addiction, while they'll continue living a daily life without much change. I know it's hard to stop doing this because it will affect you and your entire family too, but that's the only way to help the addict realize what their addiction brings to the table. Keep in mind that this is just a hard period of time and that it will pass.
4.    Express your concerns and fears. Many people who have an addiction in a family have a hard time expressing their valid concerns and fears. Try to find your own way to do it – but don't stay silent.
5.    If the addiction went too far and the addict isn't willing to try and work on the problem, seek professional help. Most of the time, you'll have to go through the steps mentioned above a few times before something actually changes. Stay strong – we believe in you!

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