Spiritual signs that death is near - for people who have been terminally ill

Spiritual signs that death is near - for people who have been terminally ill

By: Hermita
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Spiritual signs that death is near - for people who have been terminally ill

People who are terminally ill may show some spiritual signs that death is near. Those will usually include the following:


1. Strange visits. I can share two stories related to ''strange visits'' for people I knew. One said that his brother has came and that he is waiting in the doorway. We all knew his brother was dead for decades. Other man, who was also terminally ill said that there were a lot of little girls in his hospital room, while there were actually none. He even pointed to the ceiling to show us where those girls are. People who are terminally ill may usually experience similar spiritual signs, including visits from family members or even some other sort of spiritual beings, like angels. 

2. The bright light. They may also start talking about seeing or going through bright light. 

3. Changes in room temperature. Believers claim that when other spirits enter the room, there will be a change in the room temperature. 

4. Loss of smell, hearing, and sight. This is actually a completely biological sign - your loved one that is terminally ill will start to lose their hearing, smell, taste, and later on even have issues with their sight and speech. 

5. Out-of-body experiences. They may also start talking about experiencing out-of-body things, like seeing themselves from above or having really vivid dreams, like astral dreams or projections. 


Have you heard about similar stories related to spiritual signs that death is near for terminally people?

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