My New Year Ideas - Here's What I've Wished For In 2025
Jan-2025In the previous blog post, I wrote about burnout syndrome, explained what it represents, and how it can manifest, and told you that in the next blog post, you'll get a chance to read more about tips and advice that will help you to get over a burnout syndrome.
We believe that these steps offer the best help - this is how you can cure burnout syndrome:
1. Set straight priorities. Be very clear with your priorities - how many things are truly not that important? If you have a habit of taking all the obligations and problems on yourself, this will be a great start. Write down what truly is important to you, and what actually doesn't require your reaction, and therefore attention, time, and energy.
Maybe you should write that all down on paper and place it somewhere you can see it every day - like on the fridge, for example. Remind yourself what your priorities are, and what are not - on a daily basis. With time, you will be able to change your habits and reactions.
2. Evaluate all your options. Think about this in categories - evaluate all the options you have at your workplace, home, family, and with friends. Cut down on all those unnecessary tasks you are doing on a daily basis. It is obvious that you have taken too much on yourself and life has become a burden. Not all the worries and obligations should be put upon your shoulders only.
3. Learn how to ask for help. Now that you have realized that not all obligations belong to you and that you are not the only one who has to solve the problems of others, it's time to learn how to ask for help. I will create a separate blog post particularly about this topic soon, so be sure that you stay updated about new articles on our website.
4. Be mindful. In life, it is always important to focus more on those things you already have than to focus on the things you still don't own in life. Practice mindfulness - meditation can help you a lot with this too. Visualize positive outcomes.
5. Take a trip to an unknown place. I didn't tell you to get a good rest and sleep enough because I believe that you already know how that is a must, but the best thing to beat your high daily levels of stress is to visit an unknown place. So, take a trip - it doesn't have to be anywhere far or last long, but your mind will definitely feel very refreshed and you will get out of the burnout syndrome sooner this way.
6. Monitor stress levels and take a journal. Every time you feel that the pressure is too high, write down more about it. A lot of times, we miss what triggers us. Those can sometimes be very small things that you wouldn't think about in the first place. Our mission here is to get rid of all unnecessary stress, no matter how small it may look.
7. Have someone to talk to. Talking with a friend, even on the phone, can often be as powerful as taking professional therapy. If you think that you don't have anyone to talk to, feel free to join our forum section.
8. Explore self-management techniques. Self-management techniques include embracing your strengths, learning how to adapt to changes, setting goals, being patient with change, and, of course - nurturing your well-being.
9. Set boundaries. Setting boundaries is a must - if you are a so-called ''people pleaser'', learning how to set boundaries and say no can have a huge positive outcome for your life. Causes of people pleasing include low self-esteem, increased anxiety levels, conflict avoidance, or even trauma.
10. Get professional help. In the end, if none of this advice and tips don't work for you, it is good to think about seeking professional help. Of course, always remember that you can get a lot of help right here, on our website.
Bonus tip - find a relaxing activity. Discover some of your talents, if you already haven't. Practicing a relaxing activity can definitely improve not only your mental health but also your physical health status. Inspire yourself with our art section.