Generalized anxiety disorder - GAD

Generalized anxiety disorder - GAD

By: Hermita
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Generalized anxiety disorder - GAD

In the previous blog post, I wrote about how trauma changes people , and there mentioned that it can trigger certain personality disorders, including GAD.

Generalized anxiety disorder represents a mental and behavioral issue that is always linked with uncontrollable worry related to events, people, and things

As a parent who has lost a child, you have gone through many terrible events that have made you aware of all the dangers that surround you. Your worry isn’t irrational, but it can become linked to numerous things that may represent a potential threat for you and your loved ones.


How does a worry coming from GAD come? It can be related to literally anything but is most of the time linked with everyday problems and concerns, including health, death, finances, and even relationships. Excessive and uncontrollable worry can also be about work

When someone is diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, that means their symptoms lasted for more than 6 months. GAD can be linked to major depressive episodes and disorders as well. 

Although genetics may play a role when it comes to developing generalized anxiety disorder, environmental factors still play a huge role and can determine whether GAD will appear or not in almost 40%.


What are the 5 common signs that you may have GAD?

I have already mentioned that excessive worry that lasts long is the first symptom, but it is a must to know that such worry has to be uncontrollable.

These 5 signs can alert that it may be about generalized personality disorder:

Problems with concentration. 
Easily get irritable.
Muscle tension and problems with sleeping.

Some other symptoms may include heart palpitations, dry mouth, and excessive sweating.

In general, GAD brings all those physical symptoms that are linked to anxiety and panic attacks.

Generalized anxiety disorder can be treated in several ways, mostly through psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.
When it comes to psychotherapy, the ones that have the most effect include psychodynamic therapy, behavioral, cognitive, intolerance, and emotional-focused therapy. 

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