Work and concentration - getting things done

Work and concentration - getting things done

By: Hermita
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Work and concentration - getting things done

On this website, I am not only sharing facts about your grieving journey as a bereaved parent, but I am also helping you get daily things done.

All parents who have lost a child know very well that it can be very challenging to keep your concentration and motivation, especially on those days when you feel like quitting on everything.


I'm bringing you some of the most powerful psychological hacks and tips that will help you get things done and get through the day even when you don't feel like doing anything.

Here are my secrets for completing the needed tasks on the bad days:


1. Always start with satisfying tasks. The best would be to start with something quick and simple. Choose those tasks that are at least a bit satisfying for you. When you see that you can complete such tasks, your work motivation will start to grow and you'll be ready to deal with harder tasks. 


2. Diagnose your feelings. When not working, think about what makes you unmotivated, besides your personal life. If possible, the best would be to separate your private life from work. Sit and write down how you truly feel. Most people, when 100% unmotivated to complete their tasks, claim to feel either overwhelmed or extremely fatigued. If overwhelmed, try to remove unnecessary tasks from your daily schedule. If possible, write down a list where you'll prioritize what's important to be done. For fatigue, take a break or enjoy your favorite hobby just to distract your mind from hard work.


3. Plan a reward. As I've mentioned a lot of times on this website, it's always a good idea to have a daily plan. Create a daily plan for your work time as well. This is important so you can also create a plan for rewarding yourself. For example, set a rule where you'll work for 90 minutes and then you'll take a break and reward yourself. 


4. Fake deadlines help some people. Even when you don't have strict deadlines set, you can create fake deadlines for yourself. Those can serve as a good orientation, so you'll know when and how you must work more or less. 


5. Try to stay concentrated on the action. Most of the time, when we are not motivated to work or get things done, we are actually more focused on theory than on the practice. If possible, try to think less about the task, but rather focus on action. 

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