Boreout - it is not just a syndrome related to your job

Boreout - it is not just a syndrome related to your job

By: Hermita
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Boreout - it is not just a syndrome related to your job

As you have realized so far, we try to cover many syndromes in our blog section. Recently, I have written two articles related to burnout syndrome and shared some advice on how to overcome it.
Here, we have the opposite situation - a boreout. 

What it represents, originally, is that the person gets truly bored at their workplace, due to the fact that they aren't working for the position they have applied, or the tasks don't inspire the worker to spend energy, use creativity, or learn new things. People who experience bore out claim to be underloaded, which later on leads to lethargy and even laziness.

I would like to think about boreout in many directions - I believe this state of emptiness and lack of life energy can come from any part of your life. For example, you can lose your job and not be able to find a new one for a long period of time.

That will usually lead to staying in your bed the entire morning, not having the will to get up and dress up, hang out with other people, and so on.

I believe that the bore out usually comes from not having anything happening in your life, or better said - not being able to change a situation you are in.

It is interesting to see that bore out symptoms are almost the same as burnout symptoms. With time, you may even feel physical symptoms, something like feeling ill from time to time. Not having energy is also something that is related to both burnout and bore out syndromes. 

Bore out, together with burnout, brings the feeling of not having control over the things that are happening in your life. This can be true for bereaved parents as well. As a parent who has lost a child, you will experience prolonged sadness that will usually lead to depression, for at least one period of your life. This can be correlated to bore out due to the fact that there is nothing you can do to change that situation. You will experience symptoms of prolonged fatigue and loss of interest in everything that once mattered to you.

I believe that bore out can also come from any relationship, whether it is a friendship or love relationship. It can happen if nothing is happening and nothing is changing in the way you have expected, for example. That is how and when people lose interest and stop giving their energy.
Believe it or not, some documents claim that having a bore out can even lead to tinnitus, insomnia, as well as being prone to various infections. We can see that your immune system is not running properly in this situation.

There are also stomach issues. I have written an article about IBS as well, which you can read more about here.


How to fight, or better said prevent bore out? 
Here are some of the best steps you can take to bring back your overall wellbeing:

1. Set new challenges in life. Starting new challenges will bring back your self-esteem. When you have been in a boreout state for a while, you may feel that you are unsuccessful and that your effort isn't seen by anyone. Think of some challenges you can set up for yourself. It doesn't have to be anything big. It is just there to ''wake you up'' and to bring back your life energy. 

2. Become creative. Being creative and thinking outside of the box are some of the best things you can do to fight or even prevent bore out syndrome. If you are a bereaved parent or someone who has lost a precious person in their life, you can join our art section. 

3. Try to leave a positive impact on something. When you are bored out, you may feel that nothing you do is important for anyone. Try to find a way to leave a positive impact - do something good for someone or for your environment. 

4. Start with one change at a time. Don't rush and push yourself too much - it is always recommended to try to make one change at a time. When changing habits, know that your brain cannot accept more than 3 habits at once. The chances for success grow when you take one change and try to implement it in your life for at least a month. 

5. Ask for help. Understand that you don't have to fight all the battles in life alone. Bereaved parents are usually the ones who don't like to ask for help. Learn how to ask for it in this article. 

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